1.The Jury may also choose to award a Special Lion for an overall work to a director or actor of a film presented in the Venezia 64 section.
2.Eighty-six feature films will screen in the festival's four official sections, including twenty-four in competition, known as Venezia 67.
3.When the detachment arrived AT the Piazza di Venezia, a second volley of fireworks was discharged, to announce thAT the street was clear.
4.Venezia claims they are a nightmare from an IT perspective, but I disagree.
5.As for Lazio, they are still searching for a tactician to replace Mancio on the bench and the probable winner is Angelo Gregucci of Venezia.
6."With Hector Cuper I was playing, it's only with Mancini that things went wrong, " the former Venezia man explained.
7.In 1993, Chinese artists show up collectively in La Biennale di Venezia. Marking the history is over, 80s' dream never come back.
8.R. W. -Venezia, for piano
9.University of Padova, via Venezia