1.【无线】(=very high frequency)甚高频
1.[Wireless](=very high frequency)
1.very high frequency: a range of radio waves that produces good sound quality
1.Lightning detection is of great significance in the national life, in which the VHF-band detection plays an important role.
2.These frequencies, along with other UHF and VHF parts of the spectrum used by analogue television, are now to be vacated.
3.A_ within radiotelephone-coverage of at least one VHF-cost station, continuous alerting channle 70 and radiotelephny services are available.
4.The Falcon III RF-7800V provides high-speed data connectivity up to 192 Kbps, making it the fastest VHF combat net radio available.
5.PROBLEM B: Repeater Coordination The VHF radio spectrum involves line-of-sight transmission and reception.
6.The FM radio spectrum is close to (or even inside) that used by VHF terrestrial TV broadcasts.
7.The design method and techniques for low-cost signal processing module of ultrashort wave or VHF(Very High Frequency) radio are introduced.
8.In this paper, the main research is focused on the frequency conversion technologies and the correlator in the VHF hopping radio.
9.Pilot: Lower the ladder a little more, please. Throw a heaving line to take my bag and handheld VHF aboard.
10.After one hour the pilot on the bridge to order anchoring at destination Communication means between pilot and chief is portable VHF.