1.in the United Kingdom, a rating given to a video that is particularly suitable for preschool children
1.UC is considering offering a bachelor's degree over the Internet that would be comparable in quality to its campus program.
2.And before he was arrested, he had murdered his grandparents, his mother and five co-eds at UC Santa Cruz.
3.She is someone that knows the Truth and I, a graduate of UC Irvine, am very honored to have such an enlightened master on our public campus.
4.It's been used in several academic programs, such as the above mentioned UC Davis course, and by the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
5.Professor Jiang sums up a series of effective TCM treatment of UC under years of clinical experience. Now open access with others.
6.A good animal model of UC has not been made, and the therapeutic effect is not ideal, whice are the main and difficult questions.
7.Hossam el-Hamalawy, a Cairo-based blogger at UC-Berkeley, was one of the people who got word of Buck's arrest.
8.The UC campuses have collectively produced more Nobel laureates than any other university.
9.Network interventions might be effective against obesity too, says economist Scott Carrell of UC Davis.
10.The new UC Davis study was supported by the Advancing Theory in Biology program at the U. S. National Science Foundation.