1.Dynamic UIs are well suited for applications in which users might need to have several instances of a page or portlet open for multitasking.
2.I'll explain these scenarios, as well as show a set of UIs where a real-time server push is required.
3.Component UIs are aggregated into larger, higher value UIs, giving users a single view of IT services with a single UI to master.
4.Gets a brief, friendly description suitable for display in administrative tools or other user interfaces (UIs).
5.Full details, along with details of limitations on some of the figures, can be found on the UIS website.
6.This combination of features makes Flex a compelling choice for creating UIs now and for the foreseeable future.
7.In most situations, these frameworks do well in helping build the best UIs for your users.
8.Despite all of these important reasons for developing for accessibility, few UIs are made fully compliant.
9.In the future, portals may even be able to aggregate compound services and, thus, be able to aggregate UIs on a higher level.
10.You can create advanced, rich text-based UIs by perfectly combining the Dojo Tree widget with a REST-based data store.