1.When specifying search parameters, however, it is a JNDI requirement that you specify the uid value as if it were an attribute value.
2.It is assumed that the "uid" attribute of every person contains the WebSphere Application Server authenticated user ID.
3.The example above illustrates how the mkewuid script function may be used to dynamically calculate the UID number of a user name.
4.If the script finds a line in the UID or GID file for a user or group that does not exist on the system, the line is simply skipped.
5.Let's also assume the userid used for authentication is contained in an LDAP attribute called uid.
6.However, there may be environments where a strict UID check is not appropriate and a relaxed GID check is sufficient.
7.An example for such extensions are the street name for a location or the chip UID in events that might be reported by the RFID reader.
8.The invoices are also to be provided with a serial number specifying the UID number and company register number.
9.And with a little scripting, you can solve your UID and GID problems more quickly.
10.Additionally, you also need to set the uid and gid of the mqm group to be identical on all the systems.