1.University Grants Committee
1.By making a website more likely to appear high in a list produced by a search engine, UGC drives traffic to a site, he explains.
2.For that reason, many e-retailers are opting to host these conversations, opening their websites to "user-generated content" (UGC).
3.With a view to promoting life-long learning, six UGC-funded institutions have also set up their continuing and professional education units.
4.Online reviews and user-generated content are being combined with social networking, increasing their influence on travel-buying decisions.
5.This is the largest single donation that local institutions have ever received since the launch of the UGC Matching Grant Scheme.
6.register user number and UGC share, data bulk is the greatest still mix inside school fabaceous valve.
7.First, we've witnessed an explosion of what's often described as "user-generated content, " or UGC.
8.This annex describes the framework used by the UGC in conducting and reporting on the Management Reviews.
9.HKBU will continue to work closely with the UGC to facilitate the University's long-term development.
10.In other words, they can't abandon the soft, fuzzy ROI of UGC, as much as the immediate need to make money is pressing down on them.