1.mountain in the north of the South Island, New Zealand, situated in the northern part of the Southern Alps.
1.Mr. Brown is still officially Prime Minister of Britain, but Travers says he is not in a strong position.
2.Travers says the fiasco has undermined Murdoch in Britain and may do so in the United States as well.
3."Gordon Brown is like a man sitting, waiting in an execution room in many ways, " said Travers.
4."As a character, he was not so interesting to me, " Ford admits during a sit-down with movie critic Peter Travers.
5.If it wins control of the council or a parliamentary seat, it will be time, Mr Travers concludes, "to press the panic button" .
6.nuclear energy . nuclear fuel technology - waste . assessment of radionuclides by non destructive measurement of radionuclide travers.
7.Within three years, however, Ramsay (and coworker Morris Travers) had also discovered helium, neon, krypton, and xenon.
8.Travers. This exercise can be performed in collected trot or collected canter.
9."Nobody in government believed you would get an overrun this big, " says Tony Travers, of the London School of Economics.
10."As of now all the mood music suggests that they will manage to create an agreement, " said Travers.