1.And so we had our first meeting, after three months, in Tiburon, which is just up the road from here -- you know Tiburon?
2.The sun and fun that lure tourists also help high-tech firms woo talent, says Phil Holt of EA Tiburon, a video-game developer near Orlando.
3.Instead the two models will be going after different market segments, with the Tiburon replacement to be positioned below the current model.
4.The comments contradict earlier speculation that the Tiburon was being scrapped in favor of the current Genesis Coupe.
5.A stiff southeast breeze sent the small sailing ship Tiburon flying over the blue water, spray shooting out around her.
6.It's likely that the Tiburon name will be dropped in favor of something new, though no badge has been suggested.
7.Tiburon also has an eye on China's copper market, which accounts for 40 per cent of global demand.