1.TTE yesterday said its management was looking into the matter but declined to comment further.
2.TCL Dehumidifier ready to die for you to provide a space for you to enjoy the sunshine like!
3.One thing Tcl does "out of the box" better than any of the others, though, is construction of graphical user interfaces (GUIs).
4.TCL began drawing up a restructuring plan for the European business in May, and said it would present its new strategy in October.
5.I initially created a mailing list for communication among Tcl users, but within a few years it became so large as to be unwieldy.
6.Brains transforms itself into a Lenovo notebook computer, while a TCL flat-screen LD television also makes a brief appearance.
7.In general, the decision making in TCL could be categorized as a combination of both "top down " and "bottom up" .
8.Most working Tcl application developers first apply VFS in terms of the examples above -- a slick FTP-savvy editor, for instance.
9.Now with Sony beset by problems, TCL has itself turned into a prime example of how going abroad could turn into a nightmare.
10.In the process of developing itself into a world-class enterprise, TCL has given priority to technological innovation.