1.[Celebrity]William Shakespeare, 1564-1616, English poet and playwright
1.Records of Shakespeare's property purchases and investments indicate that the company made him a wealthy man.
2.I most like Shakespeare: "will give up the time the person time also giving up him" a few words.
3.I walked out to it on Shakespeare's birthday, to find it had given itself a dark beard and ruff.
4.but during the eighteenth century, critics began to respond to Shakespeare on his own terms and acclaim what they termed his natural genius.
5.One English literature don said pupils were more likely to be asked about Harry Potter than Shakespeare, at least in initial questioning.
6.Shakespeare himself was also involved in a number of legal proceedings, as a land buyer, a moneylender, a witness, and a plaintiff.
7.If I knew English, I should be able to read Shakespeare in the original.
8.The influences on him, he supposed, were mostly Blake, Shakespeare and the King James Bible (though he was Jewish, he did not know Hebrew).
9.Fisher told me that her current boyfriend has read the complete works of Shakespeare aloud to her in bed, as well as some Dickens and Ibsen.
10."The sins of the fathers are to be laid upon the children" (Shakespeare).