1.It will be remembered that he had carried off the candlesticks when he made his escape from Montreuil- sur -Mer.
2.He was staying in Auvers-sur-Oise, not far from Paris where Theo lived with his wife and child.
3.He was all the more firmly set on this severity, since M. sur M. , being a garrison town, opportunities for corruption abounded.
4.Vice Governor of Zabul Province, Jia En La Sur Yar Mohammad told Xinhua News Agency reporters, the explosion took place in 0945 or so.
5.The Taoist ways of dropping out from the chain of karma are discussed, as they were recorded in Big Sur, California, during the mid-sixties.
6.The next night was spent less than 15 miles away in the luxurious comfort of a bed and breakfast in the village of Dugny-sur-Meuse.
7."We are ready to face the past, to make amends, " promises Abdullah Demirbas, mayor of Diyarbakir's ancient Sur district.
8.While hiking in Big Sur, my friends and I crossed a ridge just when the light filtered through the trees to create this magical picture.
9.chanson sur photo paroles : I'm surrounded, each doorway covered by at least twenty men.
10.Abin Sur: The ring, it chose you. Use its po. wer to defend our universe. Become. one of us. . . become a Green Lantern. . .