1.You will see that this file essentially represents a container for scl: contractRef elements that point to WSDL files.
2.Results In this investigation, the average scores of normal college students' eight factors were all higher than Chinese young norm.
3.The largest of these, SCl 126, has been shown previously to be unusual compared to superclusters within other large scale structures.
4.The SCL threshold is a set of configurations that you set on the Edge Transport server and on thee- mail server .
5.If the SCL value for a message is lower than the SCL delete threshold value , the Content Filter agent does not delete the message .
6.Also, you will no longer be able to configure a transport rule on the Edge Transport server to stamp a message that has an SCL value of -1.
7.Results: The total score and number of positive items of SCL-90 were higer in non- singleton than in singleton.
8.You can adjust the SCL threshold behavior by assigning different SCL ratings to each of these actions.
9.The results of the postmark validation are calculated into the overall SCL for the incoming message.
10.The 2-wire interface is a widely used Master, multi-slave protocol using a serial clock (SCL) and a serial data line (SDA).