1.This sort of pay structure is called a "tournament" and was described by the economists Ed Lazear and Sherwin Rosen in a famous article.
2.but it would have been interesting to know what Mr Rosen thinks of the way intellectual-capital laws are being challenged at the moment.
3.Throughout his career, Mr. Rosen has been a frequent technical speaker and author for conferences in more than a dozen countries.
4.In his 2010 book Off the Grid, Nick Rosen estimates that up to 520, 000 households and up to a million people are living off the grid.
5.After experimenting with the proportions, Rosen hit upon a Lean Material that consists of up to 70 percent chalk and 30 percent polyolefins.
6."I'm just a normal Jewish girl, anywhere. " 12-year old Sophie Rosen at her bat mitzvah.
7.But, as Mr Rosen points out, even if just 1% of the audience is now involved in the news system, that's millions of new people.
8.Rosen Professor of Biology, director of the Beckman Institute's Biological Imaging Center, and a paper coauthor.
9.Rosen and His DIY MRI: How it works: A patient stands in the scanner, wearing a vest connected to a computer, and inhales magnetized helium.
10.Rosen and his team suggests investors take on short-duration bonds in high-beta countries as a credit event is unlikely in the short term.