1.But the President was no Wilson or Franklin Roosevelt when it came to bending Congress to his will.
2.The news was given to Mr. Truman by Mrs. Roosevelt in one of her private rooms in the White House.
3.Roosevelt made his papers public of his own volition, but more recent presidents have not had a choice in the matter.
4.Frances Perkins, later Franklin Roosevelt's labour secretary, was one of those who watched the fire.
5.Right across the door of the Oval Office is what was his former office, known as the Roosevelt Room.
6.President Roosevelt said he would end the depression and put people back to work.
7.President Franklin Roosevelt knew that the United States would need to develop modern weapons of its own if it entered the war.
8.Roosevelt was no ideologue. He had denounced the budget deficits of his Republican predecessor when running for president in 1932.
9.In the 1930s Roosevelt was the prophet of hope for the United States, just as he was for the free world in the 1940s.
10.I remember at White House, how I would hear that Roosevelt had groaned because still another painting of him had come in as a gift.