1.吉普赛 (Gipsy) (的);吉普赛语(的)
1.a member of a group of people who originally came from India and who sometimes travel around rather than live in one place; the language spoken by the Roma
1.With the dignity of the Romany people and Romania's national identity at stake, a lot is riding on the outcome of this semantic clash.
2.The autobiographical Lavengro is considered his masterwork and its sequel, Romany Rye, is also considered among his best work.
3.The old adjective "Romany" or the newer "Romani" can be used as a noun, which is better (and preferred by this newspaper), but still tricky.
4.The Gypsies speak a language called Romany which has many common words with Indian languages.
5.Strangely in an age that prizes gender-neutral language, that is the literal plural of "Rom" , a Romany word meaning man or husband.