1.Would you be prouder of me, if I'd contributed two and a half million dollars to buy Rembrandt's Aristotle Contemplating a Bust of Homer?
2.If other artists believed it was just a matter of time before the Dutch market recovered, my guess is that Rembrandt did not.
3.Rembrandt's depiction of his own eyes classically served as the windows to his soul, revealing his years and his wariness.
4.If I make a compostion of a Monet garden and a Rembrandt face in the first plane, I think I will have copyright issues to sell this thing.
5.The sale of the painting was conditional on the expert's agreement that it was an original Rembrandt.
6.Second, Rembrandt was a master of painting light and shadow, but in this painting these elements do not fit together.
7.Juliet: Oh, you mean Rembrandt and Vermeer. Well that's fascinating, considering you were a student of Picasso's.
8.Using bolt cutters, they quickly pluck a Rembrandt from the wall and stuff it into a bag.
9.A sculpture of a faun by Rembrandt Bugatti sits on a windowsill in a conference room where transactions are discussed.
10.Close inspection of the above image will reveal rings of Mercury's Rembrandt impact basin circling around the image center.