1.RB: There are quite a few DI containers already, what was the motivation by your team in creating Unity?
2.RB: I was a bit emotional in the conference there and I forgot to say that I dedicate this to the whole of Brazil.
3.RB: Well, at the end of the day I have asked everyone - and nobody gives me a right answer of what I have done and haven't done.
4.RB: Yeah, you know it was a good race because on this circuit it is so easy to put a foot wrong.
5.RB: You know, I think it is just a little bit too early to say they really have an advantage or that they used to. . .
6.RB: Merb 0. 9 appears to be the next official point release and will be broken up into a Merb-core gem and a package of other gems.
7.RB: It is amazing, because at the end of the day you think it is the same thing again for the whole time all over again.
8.RB: I was a great schoolboy because my father always told me that the only way for me to find sponsors is to have a good record in school.
9.RB: I called him and I've already told him, so it's going to be between me and him.
10.RB: Yeah, as it turned out it proved to be the right move. But, yeah, it was sad at the time, but we moved on.