1.the main character in several U.S. movies made in the 1980s about a violent soldier who fought in the Vietnam War and who fights against various enemies of the U.S.
1.Well, when you think of it, between Rocky and Rambo, it's about 56 years, and coupled with the time in between films, like, you know. . .
2.and then you have Rambo, who wakes up in the morning and just. . . you know, gargles with quicksand.
3.They sent him on a mission and set him up to fail. But they made one mistake. They forgot they were dealing with Rambo.
4.As I wrote back in 2008, after noting that the first Rambo picture "asks the audience to cheer for a guerilla hero, "
5.Just because you don't fashion yourself as John Rambo doesn't mean you might not be faced with a situation like the one above.
6.He said Kim, a huge film buff, tended to regard Rambo and James Bond films as records of reality.
7.Rambo's charms on stage. . . Wow! So smartly dressed, what occasion was that?
8.Do you think Rambo was the only guy who had a tough time in Vietnam?
9.The secret of its relative resilience is what the company calls its "Rambo Architecture" .
10.Wright: You and I are both huge fans of the most recent Rambo film.