1.Radiofrequency ablation, sometimes referred to as RFA, is a minimally invasive treatment for cancer.
2.Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is one of the most promising minimally invasive techniques for the treatment of non resectable hepatic tumors.
3.A close follow up and recheck was necessary within half a year after RFA.
4.Hepatology Digest: From your experience, RFA is an efficient treatment for HCC. What are the indications and contraindications for RFA?
5.In gathering information for a story, our reporters will not represent themselves as anything other than RFA journalists.
6.Especially, Raman fiber amplifier (RFA) as a new generation amplifier has been thought as an ideal and potential solution.
7.RFA liver surgery is an effective method of treatment. After TACE is the ideal choice for the best effect.
8.Drawing illustrates the treatment of a large liver tumor with 'thermal cylinders' during RFA.
9.Conclusions US-guided RFA is an effective and safe treatment for unresectable carcinoma of pancreatic body and tail during operation.
10.This study observes the clinical efficacy and safety of RFA using cooled-tip electrode in the treatment of pulmonary malignant tumor.