1.Data-oriented XML is often similar to RDBMS tables, and is sometimes generated from such databases.
2.PHP has always had something of a love affair with the popular open source relational database management system (RDBMS) known as MySQL.
3.We are definitely part of the NoSQL movement in that we are trying to solve problems that RDBMS are not addressing right now.
4.What are the scenarios in which you think an odbms works better than the traditional rdbms approach?
5.Rather, they are stored in tree-like structures, optimized to contain tree-like documents, the basic nature of a typical XML document.
6.The techniques include XML parser, RDBMS and a given format configuration, which used to verify the standardization of RSS metadata.
7.Because my handy-dandy GUI lets me view the data in an RDBMS, I just do a check of my location table, and what do you know?
8.You could use schemas for richer typing, but the point is that there is no difficulty in representing a particular RDBMS table as XML.
9.Data type differences: There might be considerable differences in the data types between the two RDBMS.
10.I decided to use CLOBs (Character Large Objects) with a modern RDBMS to save these documents.