2.Edgar Allan Poe 爱伦坡
1.port of entry
2.port of embarkation
1.Poe married his young cousin, wife and finally a little comfort, but Owing to the unfortunate death of his wife suffer greatly.
2.They sent him to excellent schools and supported him in every way, but Poe had problems with gambling and drinking.
3.He had some analytical genius, no doubt; but he was by no means such a phenomenon as Poe appeared to imagine.
4.Yet he never ceased to scold the human race. Poe likewise, in his criticism, is forever nagging at other authors.
5.Poe believed that strangeness was an essential ingredient of beauty, and his writing is often exotic.
6.He said the first patient underwent surgery in November 2008. The second, Poe, took place in February.
7.The trio continued to make the time of death beyond the death of Edgar Allan Poe, death is not a point, is a process.
8.The case of Poe is somewhat special, yet he, like the others, reveals some of the complexities of being an American.
9."The City in the Sea" is one of Edgar Allan Poe's short poems, and is well reputed for its dreamy tone and appalling atmosphere.
10.In one particularly acrobatic leap, he hints that Poe's time in his mother's sickly womb led him to write about claustrophobia.