1.Doctor of Philosophy: the highest university degree
2.someone with a PhD qualification
1.Doctor of Philosophy
1."Remember: there was no business PhDs until the 1950s. The business professors of old wandered in from other disciplines. "
2.Twice as many nurses should get PhDs and all nurses should do residencies, the sort of practical training that new doctors do.
3.They have been a black art, where you needed some combination of PhDs to do anything useful beyond "press or say one. "
4.For America to retain this sort of edge, then, what the country needs is better MBAs, not more PhDs.
5.Second, business schools have not effectively marketed management PhDs as a credential that leads to a lucrative career.
6.It may be that Google's army of PhDs do not include many library scientists.
7.It's hard to figure how all the White House PhDs missed this and got their numbers so wrong.
8.At the root of the problem is a chronic shortage of PhDs coming out of Indian universities.
9.He says that starting salaries for PhDs are poor and that scholarship funds are inadequately distributed among universities.
10.StraighterLine courses were designed and overseen by professors with PhDs, and she was assigned a course adviser who was available bye-mail.