1.For instance, an adulterous footballer would not be fair game, says Ola Sigvardsson, Sweden's press ombudsman.
2."The typical user is not a professional, but a step below, a beginner, " said Ola Sevandersson, the Stockholm-based founder of Pixlr.
3.Marcin is continuing to work on various optimizations, but both Ola and I have been playing with the new code.
4."We thought we had done enough to educate our people, " says Ola Allvin, technical manager.
5.I'm going to present the annual sales report on our worldwide operations at Ola Cosmetics.
6.Of course, it could go much faster if other people join in with ideas and patches (like Ola already did).
7.Alongside his son Ola and daughter-in-law Anna, Rosling created the Gapminder Foundation to facilitate that process.
8.A JAR file called ola_apis. jar is provided and contains these interfaces.
9.Until I see the poster in Ola's bedroom, I think she has recovered better than her brother. It depicts a baby's smiling face.
10.Per-Ola Karlsson, a Booz senior partner, says "the risk of shifting someone who is performing at least averagely is too great" .