1.Occupational Safety and Health Administration: a U.S. government department that decides whether the buildings and places where people work, and the equipment and substances they use in their work, are safe
1.The comparison of OSHA and FDA suggests that attempts to balance membership on an interest group basis may be misguided.
2.When working in confined spaces, all the requirements of OSHA's Confined Spaces Regulations must be strictly followed.
3.Although OSHA appointed advisory committees for some of its initial regulations.
4.Kickplate shall be applied to all platform areas as required to satisfy OSHA standards for protection of personnel.
5.OSHA quickly became one of the federal government's most disliked agencies.
6.The bill also places new and heavy regulations on hundreds of thousands of small businesses, in the OSHA tradition.
7.OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) sets strict guidelines and methods for these different particle sizes.
8.A web-based application that enables employers to easily monitor, document and reduce workplace injuries while staying OSHA compliant.
9.BP said when OSHA imposed the fine that the Toledo refinery had made 'measurable improvement in matters of process safety. '
10.Workplace health and safety: Comply with OSHA requirements, and implement policies on smoking, drugs and alcohol abuse.