1.For OLTP applications, there should be less sorting and temp space required and only a handful of concurrent cursors opened at a time.
2.Batch and query applications typically do a lot of sequential processing, while data access for OLTP tends to be more random in nature.
3.What if you know your OLTP searches should use the same execution plan for different binding values?
4.On OLTP systems, where user sessions are performing quick queries, tuning this parameter can be very important.
5.A key concept of SOA is to reuse assets across the enterprise, which is composed of both OLTP workloads and batch.
6.Separating OLTP data from OLAP data allows you to optimize for the access patterns of each technique.
7.The results are very relevant to any DBA that must maintain and tune an online transaction processing (OLTP) system.
8.Philip Howard of Bloor Research provides competitive analysis of these two OLTP systems for IT specialists.
9.Sequential numbers are often used in OLTP-like applications to generate primary keys required by the relational model.
10.For for a large OLTP database, set aside as much as memory as possible for the buffer pool while keeping the system stable.