1.While it may be common to hear the phrase ODBC driver, it is not exactly the same as the term ODBC API (and shouldn't be construed as such).
2.You are now ready to build ODBC data sources through which you can connect to your Adaptive Server Anywhere databases.
3.Therefore, ODBC does not always describe column names as defined in the RESULT clause of the stored procedure definition.
4.With an ODBC connection, you can connect to any database, on any computer in your network, as long as an ODBC connection is available.
5.Allocating an environment handle is usually the first step in an ODBC application.
6.From our surveys, cross-platform support is one of the main reasons indicated by our partners for aligning their applications with ODBC.
7.For each ODBC function invoked, a special value known as a return code is returned to the calling application.
8.Instances of this class represent any ODBC Translators that are included as part of a products installation .
9.This class represents any ODBC drivers that are to be installed as part of a particular product .
10.The data provider does not support any ODBC escape sequences, including the {resultset} escape used to specify REF CURSOR parameters.