1.relating to Neandertal man
2.an offensive term meaning displaying a lack of intellect, lack of sensitivity, and boorishness
3.an offensive term meaning very old-fashioned or conservative
1.an offensive term that deliberately insults somebody's intelligence, manners, or sensitivity, or somebody's ability to adopt modern ideas
1.At least in terms of the shape of their brains, Neandertal newborns pretty much coasted into adulthood.
2.That same year, the first complete mitochondrial genome of a Neandertal was published; five others soon followed.
3.New, still unpublished work reveals that the Neandertal Y chromosome differs from the human one.
4.A preliminary draft of the full Neandertal genome is in the works.
5.In 2010, that work culminated in the publication of the Neandertal genome.
6.Scientists have shown that Neandertal brains are about the same size as ours.
7.The finger was neither Neandertal nor human; it apparently belonged to a new species that lived in Central Asia just 40, 000 years ago.