1.New York
2.The variant of N.Y.
1.He raps about his hard life as a young black growing up in NY and having to fight for himself on the streets amidst drug dealers.
2.Drive by a theater on Long Island (NY) on December 25th, and you're liable to see a line around the building!
3.Want. NY. Pizza. Thank goodness that this time tomorrow, I shall indulge.
4.The day after the La Raza affair there was another gathering in NY, to which Latinos came out.
5."[A]ny would-be aggressor" would be made to understand "that targeting one ally means invoking the ire of the rest. "
6.For instance, converting all mentions of New York to NY is often a perfectly reasonable thing to do.
7.As I've experienced before in NY, staff seem to have wonderful manners, using 'you welcome' and 'ma'am' wherever you are.
8.Kelly Richards from Brooklyn, NY never thought that she would, until curiosity got the best of her and she filled out a simple online form.
9.For four months a year even the sun does not make it to Ny Alesund.
10.Number 85 Broad Street, New York, NY 10004, is where the money is. All of it.