1.(=not our publication)非我社出版物
1.(=not our publication)
1.The National Organic Program handles organic issues in the U. S. , a duty it was given by the Organic Foods Production Act of 1990.
2.Best for getting some shut-eye: We have the least amount of sex on Tuesdays according to a health survey from research company GfK NOP.
3.Once your operation complies with the standard, you get your NOP certificate. Certificates are valid until being suspended or revoked.
4.The latest tap on the glass by GfK NOP, a market-research firm, revealed an astonishing pessimism, with a reading of minus 30 in March.
5.As a first step the certifier checks, whether these procedures are compliant with NOP, and whether they are really implemented.
6.Also your suppliers of organic ingredients must be NOP certified.
7.When u think someone finally knows u then BAM! Ha nop that wasn't the truth.
8.Merge operators are SUM, MINUS, PRODUCT, DIVIDE, MAX, MIN, and NOP (returns data from the first cube in the virtual cube definition).
9.The term "conversion" or "transition" does not exist in NOP.
10.The power down state is exited by setting CKE high while issuing a Device Deselect or NOP command.