1."The captain at last relented, and told him that he might make himself at home" (Herman Melville).
2."Moby-Dick" was written not by Herman Melville but by Herman Melbrooks, who wrote most of it in Yiddish on the boat over from Coney Island.
3.Delano throughout misses the point of what he is seeing. Did Melville expect the reader to miss the point as well ?
4.Lamed with a bad leg, Melville became separated from his companion and spent a month alone in the company of the natives.
5.Despite his patrician upbringing, proud family traditions, and hard work, Melville found himself in poverty with no college education.
6.Just two years before, Rear Admiral George Melville, chief engineer of the U. S. Navy, had issued a similar condemnation of air travel.
7.At any rate, Melville, unlike these, actually made the voyage, and was thus able to bolster his romantic flights with personal knowledge.
8.And it was not uncommon to hear otherwise well-read men confess to an ignorance of Hawthorne or Melville without embarrassment.
9.Though the friendship dwindled away, much to Melville's regret, it was a vital tonic to him while he was engaged on Moby Dick.
10.Unlike Melville and Faulkner, Bellow did not come from a culture saturated in the rhythms and imagery of the English Bible.