1.In a news release on Monday, Massey officials acknowledged that some conditions at the mines did not meet industry standards.
2.The decision came as Sky Sports fired pundit Andy Gray over disparaging comments he made about Massey at the weekend.
3.Lawmakers and regulators strongly criticized Massey Energy, the company that owns the Upper Big Branch mine, where the miners were killed.
4.Eight years later, he became the first person who was not a member of the Massey family to lead the company.
5.The company's new chairman of the board is Walter E. Massey, a former president of Morehouse College.
6.Mr. McCloskey said there was 'a panic' after the Massey accident that drove up prices for high quality metallurgical coal in April.
7.Sian Massey, the assistant referee at the centre of the Sky sexism row last season, has been promoted.
8."The majority of Americans are more ambivalent than hostile [to undocumented immigration], " says Massey, a professor at Princeton.
9.Massey says it currently has no plans to do so.
10.Paul Massey works for a French company in Tokyo . He is asking a Higashi Bank clerk about sending some money to his brother in Paris.