1.The front page picture shows paratroopers jumping out of the hatch near Mao County, Chongqing yesterday.
2.Mr Bo, tough, sophisticated and ambitious, comes from the Communist aristocracy - his father was one of Mao Zedong's leading comrades.
3.If, God forbid, another Mao were to seize the reins, there would be no mechanism for getting rid of him.
4."I have come to interview Mao Tse-dong, " I said. "I understand he is at An Tsai. How much further have we to go? "
5.For a member of the Communist Party who grew up in Mao's China, this was a pretty overwhelming taste of participatory democracy in action.
6.On her 80th birthday Mao Zedongs entertained her to publicly proclaim that she was not to be molested.
7.I called A Mao, and should not, I see out, I saw beans spreading in a way that we had not had the A Mao.
8.Or out of the same kind of unwavering faith in transformation that Mao had been preaching since the Teens of the twentieth century?
9.The contrasting philosophies of Mao and Nehru showed up in their own interpretations of history as well.
10.China has embraced capitalism, arguing that Chairman Mao erred by deviating from Marx's writings and trying to skip the capitalist stage.