1.Later, as Mandy Grunwald watched him on TV, she leaned forward and said in astonishment, "He's riffing. "
2.Alone, Mandy's mother let him in, and within an hour agreed to assist him in his campaign.
3."I'm glad to hear it, " Mandy said. This Cal was an odd bird. "What's your background? "
4.Cal stared at Mandy, and she tried to get a read, as he might have put it.
5.The main thing for Mandy was to focus on her goals and keep her eyes peeled for Greg.
6.The tall man was not in cardio ballet the next week, and Mandy did not think of him.
7.One night, Mandy woke near dawn to see her father yanking open her bureau drawers. He stuffed a duffelbag with her tank tops and jeans.
8.Mandy helps move her to a secluded hut, but can she get the rescue party to Nanook in time?
9.Mandy: Well, you can either come to one of our stores to sign up for service or do so online.
10."Thanks, " Mandy said, already mourning the rousing solitude of a few minutes ago. Bitch had snatched her natural rush.