1.the Buddha who is expected to come to Earth to teach Buddhist law
1.Maitreya Buddha said that 'Tatu can leisurely world is impossible for the matter, smiling and laughing the world is ridiculous person.
2.Of course you can! And I will hold the door open for you, as will Yeshua, Maitreya, Kuthumi, and Shiva.
3.Early one morning, soon afterwards the caretaker of the temple opened the door and there was Khyentse sitting in the Buddha Maitreya's lap.
4.That was in the building juiyen scenic eve of a Swiss rock from the sun is behind the Swiss rocks, and therefore Maitreya the first-born.
5.Glass replica of the Maitreya temple of the wind, dominated the glass Mica's heart.
6.With Maitreya then took him to a certain heaven, the way the Buddhist myth unfolds in a typical way.
7.The Sutra of the Great Lion's Roar Requested by Maitreya " says: " The fool commits evil deeds and knows not to confess faults.
8.In the Tang Dynasty, people worshipped Maitreya, regarding him as the symbol of a Bright future.
9.in china , the cult of maitreya seems to have developed earlier than that of amitabha , as early as the 3rd century ad.
10.Tibetan temple tower abuse "of the gun-yin Bahrain" , which means hundreds of thousands of Maitreya Buddha Island.