1.Philip II of Macedon , leader of most of Greece, and his son Alexander the Great decided to take advantage of this weakness.
2.By the age of 20, Alexander the Great was proclaimed the King of Macedon and had conquered Athens and Thebes.
3.There was in the northern part of Greece a land called Macedon; and this land was at one time ruled over by a warlike king named Philip.
4.His father, Philip of Macedon, was the first to unite Greece's fiercely independent city-states after a century of bitter in-fighting.
5.At least it's a Macedonian name, named after the king of Macedon.
6.Additionally, the Romans took hundreds of prisoners from the leading families of Macedon , including the historian Polybius.
7.When Philip, King of Macedon, wanted a tutor for his son Alexander, he sent for Aristotle.
8.In 179 BC King Philip V of Macedon died and his talented and ambitious son, Perseus, took his throne.
9.In 146 BC, the four republics were dissolved, and Macedon officially became the Roman province of Macedonia.
10.Observations of the Moon were made from Mount Macedon in Victoria, for around three days each month when the Moon was rising or setting.