1.〈美〉(=Massachusetts Institute of Technology)马萨诸塞理工学院,麻省理工学院
1.<AmE>(=Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
1." In this class we will live by the MIT Media Lab motto " demo or die. " Or, to be a little more nuanced, " imagine, realize, and critique.
2.MIT shall have no responsibility, liability, or risk for the content or implementation of any of the material presented.
3.MIT has provided me with credibility, management training and opportunities that would otherwise be beyond the reach of my network.
4.By using easily obtainable cobalt and phosphates, the MIT work could make it a lot more viable to obtain hydrogen directly from solar cells.
5.I'll be interested to hear if its account of MIT classroom dynamics reflects your own sense of those dynamics.
6.And I'm going to show you what Patients Like Me, the company that myself, my youngest brother, and a good friend from MIT started.
7.When I returned to MIT, Stanley Fischer served as my dissertation adviser, as he did for a remarkable number of students in my class.
8.But a recent study by an MIT planetary scientist suggests that the planetesimals themselves provided the water that created oceans.
9.His shoulders were huge, his head square, and the muscles beneath his MIT T-shirt rippled like a plastic trash can left out in a heat wave.
10.When this ball falls back to me the earth and you and I and MIT are falling towards the ball.