1.Because ASSERT statements are commented out in a release build of an MFC program, the code does not run in a release build.
2.Once you create a Windows Forms control, you can host it in an MFC application just as with an ActiveX control.
3.During each of the operations mentioned at the beginning of this topic, MFC needs to search for a desired value or object.
4.MFC is actually quite a bit more than just a GUI toolkit , and uses a mixture of paradigms .
5.Examine the MFC code that your time- critical code uses to see if it meets your performance requirements .
6.If you look through the code that MFC uses, you may see that you can write something more specific to your scenario to improve performance.
7.If you did not select ActiveX controls when you created the MFC project, you need to call CoInitialize and CoUninitialize in your main code.
8.While this option increases the size of your program , you do not need to redistribute the MFC DLL with this type of project .
9.This option reduces the disk and memory requirements of your program if it is composed of multiple execution files that use the MFC library.
10.Use this code wizard to add a class to an existing MFC project, or to add a class to an ATL project that supports MFC.