1.Luther's beliefs brought him into direct conflict with the Church over the question of how people could be pardoned for sins.
2.But Martin Luther also proved that religious reforms did not by any means require the support of a spirit of liberalism.
3.How much formal authority did Mohandas Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. have?
4.Luther: Sorry, but this is a Biocyte facility, a storage structure. I'll have it up in a minute. OK, take a look at this.
5.Toward the end of the disputation, Luther offered some theses which seem (in typical Luther fashion) nonsensical, or at least obscure.
6.Luther himself has several of these escaped nuns living with him. But he does not intend to marry.
7.Great reformers from Abraham Lincoln to Martin Luther King have urged America to live up to its ideal of "freedom" .
8.It would be said, in later years, that Chicago was the only place in America where Martin Luther King learned the meaning of defeat.
9.The personal relationship between the humanist Erasmus and the religious reformer Martin Luther has never been clearly delineated.
10.She said she was honored to speak at the same historic spot as Martin Luther King Jr. .