1."Don't you think Mr. Barclay's pretty nice? " inquired Lola, who had received a condescending smile or two from that quarter.
2.And I asked fuckin' Lola to bring me a bit of dope and she's only shown Julie the letter, right, to try and get us split up.
3.Lola, Wasserstein's mother, is often cast as the villain in this book.
4.But in light of this new study, might my husband and I have missed a clear sign that Lola is just a pessimistic dog?
5."No, " said Lola, "not very often. You won't go anywhere. That's what's the matter with you. "
6.A formidable Polish beauty, Lola was an exotic nouveau-riche specimen who taught her daughter the power of a good story.
7."I guess we'd better move right away, don't you think so? " she observed to Lola, thinking of the commonplace chamber in Seventeenth Street.
8."I don't know, " she said to Lola one day, sitting at one of the windows which looked down into Broadway, "I get lonely; don't you? "
9.Lola's continence in the face of such a lavish and indulgent environment is commendable.
10.Lola: Maybe you would have to help me shoo a few down the plug hole? shoo, shoo, shoo!