1.[Brands and Products,Computer]a type of computer operating system that is available free on the internet
1.And I think Linux is definitely very close to reaching that magic tipping point where it will be easy to use for all levels of users.
2.From this simple demonstration, it's easy to see how powerful the Linux file system (and the loop device) can be.
3.Linux systems usually do a better job with getting the key bindings right, though part of that depends on which window manager you use.
4.Not all the libraries outlined above will be up to date for you to build GIMP on your Linux distribution.
5.This can be particularly effective in shops that are primarily Linux and Unix based, though Puppet's learning curve may be a bit steep.
6.This clash is often depicted as an epic struggle for supremacy between Linux and Microsoft's proprietary Windows operating system.
7.So, you've heard a lot about this Linux thing, and decided to check it out.
8.This sort of implementation was an inspired idea on the part of the Linux kernel developers.
9.For now, Google is actually asking users not to download Chrome for the Mac and Linux just yet, unless they are ready to be disappointed.
10.The file-based nature of Linux is a great advantage when backing up and restoring the system.