1.a data storage method in which data stored last is retrieved last.
1.a trademark for an inflatable bed for use in swimming pools or on the sea
1.a type of mattress made of plastic or rubber that you fill with air and use as a bed or for floating on water
1.That way, if I messed up any of the configuration in my lilo. conf file, I could take out the boot disk and boot into Linux as before.
2.The traditional LILO boot prompt was a very terse text prompt similar to what you see if you press the Tab key.
3.If you do not specify this option in the configuration file, LILO will boot into the default OS with no user interaction and no waiting.
4.This sector contains a program called loader (for Linux it is usually LILO or GRUB); this actually boots the operating system.
5.LILO has no interactive command interface, whereas GRUB does.
6.Press the Tab key to see a list of images to boot and the original terse LILO text prompt boot: .
7.LILO halting at this point indicates the second stage boot loader could not be executed.
8.install= is one of the files used internally by LILO during the boot process.
9.The stage 2 loaders used in LILO and GRUB allow you to choose from several operating systems or versions to load.
10.Still using the example lilo. conf file as before, at this point you have two choices, which may not be immediately obvious to LILO newbies.