1.region largely within the Arctic Circle, extending across the northern parts of Norway, Sweden, Finland, and the Kola Peninsula of Russia
1.So with a fast internet connection, it should be easy to find the best deals from Lisbon to Lapland.
2.Up in Lapland , Santa Claus is getting ready to leave, making his annual Christmas deliveries.
3.Finally, don't tell Rudolph, but a great reindeer stew can be had in Lapland as well.
4.Snow often thaws in Lapland as late as the beginning of May, so the temperatures also rarely raise above zero.
5.About 20 kilometres from the Russian border , in the heart of Lapland--in the middle of nowhere with pine trees all around laden with snow.
6.Or perhaps your boss has handed you a hot lead from Lapland--will anyone be in the office to take your call?
7.Differences in incomes, growth and price movements are inevitable in a union that stretches from Aran to Athens and from Lapland to Lisbon.
8.But Finnish Lapland , traditional rival of Greenland for the title, was not represented at the congress.
9.She took a reindeer from the daughter of a bandit, and arrived at Lapland.
10.And she heard from a pigeon that Kai had flown to Lapland in a carriage of the Queen of snow.