2.(=large electronic display)大电子显示器
3.(=light emitting diode)光发射二极管
1.The past tense and past participle of lead
2.(=large electronic display)
3.(=light emitting diode)
1.light-emitting diode: a piece of electronic equipment that produces light and is used especially in computer screens, digital watches, and calculators
1.LEDs have been used for years in displays that require only limited resolution and color, such as found on alarm clocks and microwave ovens.
2.The code electronically unlocks the device for a week, allowing the battery to supply power to the LEDs or to a phone charger.
3.LEDs, made of diodes or chips, have come a long way since the first practical LED was a developed in 1962. Its sole color was red.
4.Many upscale retailers have installed LEDs to achieve special lighting effects or to make jewelry cases sparkle.
5.That said, the LEDs themselves are now producing the light quantities and qualities we need, and the costs are improving.
6.The ADM8845 charge pump is designed for driving up to six white LEDs in parallel while ensuring uniform brightness of a backlit LCD display.
7.It is not a straight yes or no answer to the question if the LEDs are ready for the general purpose.
8.Compared with kerosene lanterns, LEDs can deliver up to 100 times more useful light to a task, besides being extremely long-lasting.
9.The LEDs can be either along the edges of the screen or spread as an array behind the whole of the display.
10.And when it starts flashing, it's just going to be one of the LEDs that's flashing very fast.