1.The U. S. Navy, by comparison, has finished just two LCS in the same span of time, each at a cost of more than $600 million.
2.But after a decade of politics and design-by-committee, the LCS has turned out to be anything but small, cheap and numerous.
3.Now that we know each other well, we think there is no point to continue to open LCs through a third bank to add to the cost.
4.An a-structure is a lexicon- syntactic representation assembled from a set of elements identified by the lcs of the predicate.
5.Note that this is an LCS, rather than the LCS, because other common subsequences of the same length might exist.
6.You'll use these arrows later in "tracing back" to construct an actual LCS (as opposed to just discovering the length of one).
7.LCS liquid filling scale is able to meet the requirements of various automatic liquid filling.
8.For these reasons, USA Signal Technology is able to warranty its LCS for an unprecedented 5 years.
9.The LCS lacks major air defenses and cannot, on its own, defend against large numbers of incoming missiles.
10.Lane Control Signals are those ever-present traffic signs with illuminated colored symbols on highway bridges and overpasses.