1.While Kimberly roams the hillside road in search of her mother Teri is in the car with the motorist who picked her up.
2.In order to break the chain of death, Kimberly decided to drive into the lake, but once again lucky enough to be rescued.
3.At the time, Kimberly-Clark was a paper mill company that realized you could do more with wood pulp besides just make it into paper.
4.Dan pulls his van over to the side of the road and orders Kimberly to call her mother on the cell phone.
5.The policeman releases Kimberly and offers to drive her to CTU to meet her mother.
6.Seeing her mother's repeated calls on her cell phone, Kimberly asks the guys to drive her home.
7.Kimberly Bergalis, who apparently got HIV from her dentist asks the US congress to force health care workers to be tested for HIV.
8.Andre is furious, and wants Jack to hear Kimberly's screams as he kills her.
9.Kimberly later said that around the five-minute mark was the last time she saw E.
10.Aware that they both might be killed she tells Kimberly that she loves her.