1.a man
1."I suppose not, " said Archibald Kane genially , as if the report were a compliment to his own hardy condition.
2.This is the result of his experiment a good anti-allergy stuff, felt interest of the enemy can see Kane.
3."Seeing the karaoke machine at the top of that list made me smile, " said Kane Kramer, a director of the British Inventors Society.
4.Kane, who was using the money to buy treats for his pet hamster Splodge, said he would try to look for other work.
5.A man named Thomas Kane asked President Buchanan to let him go to Utah. Kane was an old friend of the president.
6.No one told her that he had sent for Jennie. The Kane family did not know.
7.Mike O'Kane, editor of the Irish Daily Star, said he treated Kate as he would any celebrity.
8."He ought to see that this thing, if continued, is going to do him irreparable damage, " said Mr. Kane.
9.When he saw it a touch of the old Kane home atmosphere came back to him.
10.''Kane's got no other income other than what he gets from his parents and will have to come cap in hand to us now. ''