1.in Roman mythology, the king of the gods.
2.the largest planet in the solar system, fifth in order from the Sun
1.Ceres turned out to be just one of many asteroids orbiting between Mars and Jupiter, rather than a proper planet.
2.Hosting Jupiter in this area of your chart should be great for your professional goals, but it could be harmful for your waistline.
3.On this day when Jupiter and Neptune meet, May 27, you may throw a major charity event, and if so, you would raise quite a bit of money.
4.Its position in the sky makes it a so-called Trojan asteroid - a type previously detected only at Jupiter, Neptune and Mars.
5.Thousands of miles below its cloud layer, Jupiter is hotter than the surface of the Sun !
6.All that was alone was to permit the conversion of a big fleet collier, the Jupiter, into a carrier for experimental work.
7.The mighty Jupiter's move into your sign in early January, to remain for a year, marks this as a cycle of opportunity.
8."That's not what we meant at all, " gasped the Frogs as they ped once more into the mud. But this time Jupiter would not listen.
9.Few days earlier, amateur astronomers found a flash on Jupiter indicates that there was a crash.
10.So. . . Jupiter's in your sign, as I probably mention every month. And this can mean a year of great activity for you.