1.Professor Johnson suspects a strong link between the rise of instant and casual communication online and an increase in writing mistakes.
2.Then there's Micah Richards and Michael Johnson who, with a bit of focus, can still grow into City regulars.
3.TEYO JOHNSON: He had me flown up to Portland, too, to hang out with him.
4.As the first bonfires of thanksgiving for the discovery of the plot were being lit in London, 'John Johnson' was being interrogated.
5.Smith: I'll ask Johnson if he has any plans, but I think it'll be all right. Suppose I give you a ring this afternoon and let you know.
6.However, he was celebrated in his own time by English writer Ben Johnson and others who saw in him a brilliance that would endure.
7.Life is not long, and too much of it must not pass in idle deliberation on how it shall be spent. --Samuel Johnson.
8.After his retirement from public life in 1961, Eisenhower continued to serve his country as an advisor to presidents Kennedy and Johnson.
9.He said it was clear that Johnson wanted to overthrow Congress. Other radical Republicans then joined him in condemning Johnson.
10.Katy johnson hit her forehead into a tree branch while walking and texting on her cell phone a couple of weeks ago.