1.First, if you've read this series faithfully, you know how to use the DOM, a JavaScript-friendly API with which you can manipulate XML.
2.With these security considerations in mind and a working applet, we are now ready to use the applet from JavaScript.
3.In just a few lines of code, you're intercepting the normal submittal of an HTML form and executing some custom JavaScript code instead.
4.In a real application, you would be likely to put a library of useful JavaScript functions into such an external file.
5.Next is the name of the JavaScript function that you want Flash to call when it gets a response from the server.
6.The first bit of the code uses basic JavaScript code to grab the values of a few form fields.
7.The DWR framework allows you to call methods on your Java classes directly from JavaScript code.
8.In the previous example, you've seen that it is possible to call Java methods from JavaScript.
9.One of your options is to embed JavaScript within the style sheet, either directly or as an external file.
10.It's very easy to sign up with 103bees and you only have to copy one line of Javascript code into the template file for your web site.