1.Each new Java platform release brings with it a new set of command-line tools buried away inside of the JDK's bin directory.
2.If you are looking for an easy-to-use replacement for JDK date processing, then you really should consider Joda.
3.You need to be careful if you try to install a copy of the JDK or SDK from a backup into a directory different from the default location.
4.To run this example you need the latest JDK and JSDK, some sort of servlet engine, and an HTTP server.
5.None of the standard garbage collectors in the JDK uses reference counting; instead, they all use some form of tracing collector.
6.Why? Check the JDK_PATH database manager configuration file to see if it is set properly.
7.The JDK documentation indicates that this method gives you a modified mergesort with guaranteed N*log(N) performance.
8.Generics have been a controversial topic ever since they were added to the language in JDK 5.
9.The only supported configuration is one where the JDK or SDK is located in the default directory listed on the primary download page.
10.As you can see, working with JDK Ciphers is quite a cumbersome task.